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5 Weeks Free

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Bolder Athlete, the pioneering fitness platform designed for athletes who dare to defy age.

Say goodbye to generic 'Individual/Elite' routines and embrace training tailored for those with experience and grit, crafted by 5x CrossFit Games Champion, Jason Grubb.

5 Weeks on Us!

Bolder Minimal Equipment

Fitness On-The-Go

Unleash your inner strength with minimal gear. BolderĀ Minimal Equipment is your go-to for effective workouts no matter where life takes you, using just a few tools like dumbbells. Perfect for the busy bee or the space-challenged.

1 Hour / 5 Days a Week



Bolder Core

Fitness Woven into Life

Integrate fitness effortlessly with Bolder Core. One hour daily, five days a week, these workouts are crafted for total body fitness, fitting into your routine like a glove, whether you're at home or hitting the box.

1 Hour / 5 Days a Week



Bolder Compete

Aspire to Excellence

Dive into Bolder Compete and join the elite circle of athletes. This program is designed for those who don't just participate but aim to dominate. With two hours daily, five days a week, you'll push your limits, refine your skills, and set your sights on the CrossFit Semifinals in your age group.

2 Hours / 5 Days a Week



Bolder Elite

Champion's Blueprint

Embrace the training regimen of champions with Bolder Elite. This program, inspired by Jason Grubb's championship-winning strategies, isn't just about competing; it's about setting new standards inĀ internationalĀ CrossFit competitions. Engage inĀ one or two sessions five days a week to not just participate but to lead at the highest levels, including the CrossFit Games and any international competition that dares to challenge you.

1-2 Sessions / 5 Days a Week

Prefer a Fully Customized Approach?
Join 1:1 Remote Coaching with Bolder Athlete

Looking for a training plan designed exclusively for you?

Bolder Athleteā€™s 1:1 Remote Coaching offers a fully customized experience tailored to your specific goals and needs. With expert coaching, personalized guidance, and unwavering support, this is your path to peak performance.

Apply now and letā€™s build your success story together.

Coming Soon
Jason Grubb


5x CrossFit Games Champion

At 38, facing a legacy of obesity and lethargy, I realized change was not just necessary; it was overdue. A CrossFit class sparked a transformation that, despite initial stumbles, led me to qualify for the CrossFit Games at 42, where I've been triumphing since 2019.

Inspired by my journey, I founded Bolder Athlete to shatter the shackles of age, empowering others to chase their dreams with vigor.

Learn More

Why Bolder Athlete Stands Out

We Train Smarter Not Harder

Balancing Intensity for Longevity

At Bolder Athlete, we're not just about pushing the limits; we're about pushing them sustainably. Here's why our approach stands out:

The Fitness Spectrum: We've crafted a color-coded system that caters to every intensity level, ensuring you're always training at the right pace for your goals:

šŸŸ¦ (Blue) - "Idle": Light activity, like a leisurely walk, perfect for staying active without strain.
šŸŸ© (Green) - "Steady": Where you find your groove, building endurance and setting the stage for more intense workouts.
šŸŸØ (Yellow) - "Push": Here, you start to feel the challenge, enhancing your aerobic capacity and efficiency.
šŸŸ§ (Orange) - "Grind": This is where the real work begins, pushing your limits and testing your endurance.
šŸŸ„ (Red) - "Max Out": The pinnacle of intensity, where you tap into your peak performance, focusing on speed, power, and breaking personal records.

This spectrum ensures that whether you're just starting out or aiming for elite performance, Bolder Athlete has a place for you on the fitness journey.

Why Most CrossFitters Might Be Overdoing It: The Intensity Conundrum

If you're a CrossFitter, you're likely familiar with the allure of high-intensity workouts. However, there's a growing concern that many might be cranking the intensity dial too high, too often:

The Intensity Overdrive:Ā While CrossFit's high-intensity approach is its hallmark, it's also its potential pitfall. Overdoing it can lead to burnout or injury, not just feeling the burn.
Recovery? What's That?:Ā The body needs recovery, not just rest. High workout volumes without adequate recovery can lead to decreased performance and increased injury risk.
Stress: Not Just Mental:Ā High-intensity training adds physical stress. If your life is already stressful, more intensity might not be the healthiest choice.
The Spectrum of Fitness:Ā At Bolder Athlete, we emphasize that while hitting the red zone (max out) is exhilarating, it's not sustainable daily. The green and yellow zones offer growth without constant high risk.
CrossFit Isn't One-Size-Fits-All:Ā Tailoring intensity to your life's stress, fitness goals, and recovery capacity can make CrossFit a lifelong journey, not just a sprint.

In essence, while CrossFit can be an incredible fitness journey, embracing a balanced approach to intensity might just be the key to longevity in the sport, and in health.Ā 

Expert Guidance

Jason Grubb's Mastery in Masters Fitness

Dive into the Bolder Athlete program and harness the unparalleled expertise of Jason Grubb, a five-time Masters Champion. With over a decade immersed in the sport and more than eight years coaching others, Jason's insights into training are both profound and practical:

  • A Decade of Dedication: As a student of the game, Jason has not only competed at the highest levels but has also spent years refining his understanding of what it takes to excel as an athlete.
  • Tailored Training Strategies: Jason's experience has been pivotal in crafting training regimes that challenge yet respect the unique physiological demands of athletes. His approach focuses on building strength, agility, and endurance while prioritizing injury prevention and recovery.
  • Injury Prevention & Recovery: Under Jason's guidance, Bolder Athlete emphasizes techniques that keep athletes in the game longer. His methods integrate the latest in sports science with proven recovery practices.
  • Cutting-Edge Meets Timeless: Jason's commitment to continuous learning ensures that Bolder Athlete participants benefit from both innovative training techniques and the enduring principles of fitness.
  • Long-Term Success: More than just preparing for competitions, Jason's training philosophy aims at sustaining athletic performance over the long haul, ensuring thatĀ athletes can continue to perform at their peak.

With Jason Grubb at the helm, Bolder Athlete isn't just about training; it's about mastering the art of athletic longevity through expert guidance.

Sustainable Strength

Injury-Proof Your Fitness Journey with Bolder Athlete

At Bolder Athlete, we don't just aim to make you fit; we're committed to keeping you fit. Here's how we've engineered our programs to minimize injury risk, especially for competitive athletes:

  • Safety-First Training: Our programs are meticulously designed to balance intensity with safety. We understand the unique wear and tear on the bodies of athletes, so we've structured workouts to protect your joints and muscles without sacrificing performance.
  • Mobility and Mastery: Every session includes mobility work, ensuring that your body moves as nature intended. Proper warm-ups and cool-downs are non-negotiable, setting the stage for injury-free workouts.
  • Technique Over Everything: We emphasize correct form and technique in every movement. Each accessory skill and drill is chosen for its dual benefits: enhancing performance while reducing injury risk.
  • Strategic Recovery: Recovery isn't an afterthought; it's a cornerstone of our program. Regular deload weeks are scheduled to give your body a break, preventing overtraining and reducing injury potential.
  • Training with a Purpose: Our cycles aren't just about pushing limits; they're about smart progression. We integrate strategic rest periods and recovery techniques, ensuring you're not just training hard but training smart.
  • Long-Term Athletic Health: At Bolder Athlete, we believe in maintaining your physical health as much as achieving your competitive goals. Our focus on recovery and injury prevention is what sets us apart, ensuring you can enjoy your fitness journey for years to come.

Join Bolder Athlete, where we don't just help you reach your peak; we help you stay there, injury-free and thriving.

Every Age, Every Level

Ā Bolder Athlete's Approach

At Bolder Athlete, we believe that age should never limit your fitness journey. Here's how we cater to every age (and skill level):

  • Age-Based Modifications: We've designed our workouts with age-specific adjustments, ensuring that whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, your training is perfectly aligned with your body's needs.
    Physiological Precision: Understanding that each age group has unique physiological requirements, our programs tweak intensity, volume, and complexity. This means you're not just working out; you're working out smart.
    Progressive and Protective: Our training protocols adjust to help you progress safely. By customizing the pace and challenge, we ensure you're always moving forward without risking injury.
    Inclusive Intensity: No matter your age or skill level, Bolder Athlete offers modifications that keep everyone engaged. From beginners to seasoned athletes, our workouts are scalable, making them accessible yet challenging.
    Continuous Improvement: With age-appropriate training, you're set up for continuous improvement. Our approach supports your health, fitness goals, and peak performance at every stage of life.
    Engagement for All: By providing workouts that are both safe and effective, Bolder Athlete ensures that every member can fully participate, achieve their goals, and enjoy the process.

    At Bolder Athlete, we're committed to proving that with the right training, age is just a number. Dive into a fitness experience where every workout is designed for you, at your age, and at your pace.

Do You Have Questions?Ā 




Every training session starts with an extensive warm-up to prepare your body and mind for peak performance. Alongside the warm-up, each workout includes an Intention & Overview, Purpose, Target Time, General Tips, Modification Options, and detailed Workout Instructions. This comprehensive approach ensures that you are fully prepared for the session, optimizing your performance and contributing to long-term success and injury prevention.


Bolder Minimal // 1 Hour

A. Single Arm DB Snatch
EMOM: 10 Minutes
4 Single Arm DB Snatch (Per Arm)
Build to heavy set for the day

C. Tahoe
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Wall Walks
18 DB Deadlifts 50s/35s (55+ 35s/25s)
12 DB Thrusters 50s/35s (55+ 35s/25s)


Bolder Core // 1 Hour

A. Muscle Snatch
3x3 @ 50% 1RM

B. Snatch
3 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%

C. Tahoe
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Wall Walks
12 Deadlifts 225/155 (50+ 185/135, 60+ 155/105)
24 Wall Balls 24/20


Bolder Compete // 2 Hours

A. Olympus
4 Rounds For Time
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20
9 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Heavy KB Swings 72/53 (60+ 53/35)
Rest :30s

B. Muscle Snatch
3x3 @ 50% 1RM

C. Snatch
3 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%

D. Snatch Deadlift
3x3 @ 100% 1RM

E. Tahoe
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Wall Walks
12 Deadlifts 225/155 (50+ 185/135, 60+ 155/105)
24 Wall Balls 24/20


Bolder Elite // 2 Sessions

*Session 1

A. Olympus
4 Rounds For Time
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20
9 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Heavy KB Swings 72/53 (60+ 53/35)
Rest :30s

B. Muscle Snatch
3x3 @ 50% 1RM

C. Snatch
3 @ 65%
2 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
1 @ 85%

D. Snatch Deadlift
3x3 @ 100% 1RM

E. Tahoe
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Wall Walks
12 Deadlifts 225/155 (50+ 185/135, 60+ 155/105)
24 Wall Balls 24/20

*Session 2 (6 Hours later)

A. Paso Robles
3 Rounds
3 min Echo bike @ 400+/300+ Watts
Rest 3 min

  • Rest 5 min-
    3 Rounds
    3 min Echo bike @ 400+/300+ Watts
    Rest 3 min

B. Reinforcement
3-4 Rounds for Quality
:30s Wall Sit
:30s Hanging L-Sit
1:00 Plank


Claim Your Free 5 Weeks!

Starting From Scratch?Ā 

Reclaim Your Athletic Edge,
No Matter Your Age.

Were you once an active athlete or a regular at the CrossFit box but life got in the way? Welcome back to the arena with Bolder Beginningsā€”a 30-day program specially tailored for the Masters Athlete who's been out of the game but is eager to jump back in. This program is meticulously designed for those aged 35 and up, focusing on reigniting your athletic potential without compromising your unique needs at this life stage.


Stay Informed and Inspired

Check out our awesome collection of articles, videos, podcasts, and more, all made just for masters athletes like you! You'll find expert tips, amazing success stories, helpful advice, and the latest Masters Athlete new.

Our resources will keep you up-to-date, excited, and feeling connected.



Dive into our collection of expert articles, videos, tips, and advice tailored specifically for masters CrossFit athletes. 

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Hosted by Jason Grubb and Rick Stevenson, the show features the latest news, insights, in-depth discussions on topics important to masters athletes.

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